Cosmic Fire Podcast - Episode 56

May kicks off with a bang, featuring a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on Friday, May 5.
This eclipse makes an extraordinarily tight alignment with astrological Beltane (see chart below), which begins when the Sun enters 15 Taurus a few minutes after the eclipse.
The eclipse Moon opposes the Sun, Uranus, and retrograde Mercury in Taurus, with the Sun almost exactly conjunct the cross-quarter degree of 15 Taurus.
As discussed in the previous podcast, the cross-quarter degrees are highly significant. They are favored as ceremonial dates by the Controllers of the consensus reality because they form a hard aspect to the Aries Point - the degree of the zodiac that ties the personal to the collective.

The elites also love eclipses because they introduce/release massive amounts of energy into the reality construct. We're more than halfway through the first eclipse season of 2023 and you can probably feel your NPC neighbors teetering on the edge of sanity right now, feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated by energies they can feel but can't understand. With Mercury still retrograde until May 14, we can probably expect a couple more weeks of turbulent energy and collective unrest.
It's important to remember that we do not have to consent to getting sucked into the maelstrom of collective anxiety, anger and despair. And that we do not have to consent to being impacted by, or implicated in, the elites' ritual magick.
In fact, this same intense astrological energy can be very powerful for gaining knowledge of the True Self and for healing ancient splits between the mind and the heart.
In this podcast Phoenix talks about some of the specific healing opportunities arising in May including solar plexus chakra / self-esteem activation, ancestral patterns of dissociation and powerlessness, and recovering our intuition by overcoming programs of left-brain dominance. Kairos looks at the "tale of two months" astrology of May and how we can use the Mars-Jupiter-Pluto alignment in the second half of the month to move powerfully into greater alignment with our true creative nature.
Episode Notes
Meditation on Golden Light: