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Download of the Month: Come Home to Your Body

Writer's picture: Tatiana SakuraiTatiana Sakurai

It's June, it's eclipse season, Mercury is retrograde, a lot is happening, and we've got a new Download of the Month! This one is called Come Home to Your Body and it's designed especially for those times when you're feeling frazzled or ungrounded, but could be great any time you need to rest and recharge.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere the energy of Spring is building toward Summer and the light is increasing. I've found that with the excitement of warmer weather, expanded energy, and outdoor activities, there is a natural tendency to want to do more, which doesn't always jive with the time it takes to process things that come up for healing during big cosmic activations.

An important awareness that keeps showing up for us is to spend more time off line, connecting with our bodies and the Earth. If you've been feeling that too, a simple way to do this is to notice what's happening in the body, be curious and tune in to sensations or messages. We love to ask the question, "Is that even my feeling?" since we're empathic as fuck and that usually clears something right away. We've also been super grateful for the opportunity to spend more time touching the Earth, digging in the dirt, watering plants, and watching the miraculous unfolding of life in the garden, or in the goat pasture across the road.

There is no doubt that life as a human on planet Earth is at a new level of weird, especially during the last couple years. Dealing with the dysfunctional societal constructs we've created or participated in perpetuating is incredibly challenging and frustrating and exhausting much of the time. And yet, the Earth is still here for us. Nature is still beautiful and true. Our bodies are still here calling us home to the present moment.

If we listen, if we are willing to stop and go within, there is an infinite source of healing and peace available to us in any moment. Even in times of great suffering.

It is my intention that Come Home to Your Body will serve as one of many possible paths to that place of reconnection and sanity in an insane world. Like I do with all my meditations, there's no script, no multiple takes. I am right there in the moment, tuning in to what I sense might be needed by those who are listening in the future, improvising with Spirit. When you listen, you can feel it.

DK has added some nature recordings to complement the guided process. They include the songs of night time frogs and crickets to help your mind wind down and your body to relax so that your spirit can more easily come rest and commune in the spaciousness of your body temple.

You can find Come Home to Your Body in the shop now. If you're a fan of our meditations, Cosmic Fire, our work in general, or you just love us as people, I invite you to consider becoming a member of the Download-of-the-Month club! For a monthly donation we will send each month's download and our gratitude straight to your inbox. You can do that on the donate page here.

Thanks for reading and supporting! Please share with your community if you feel called.

Here's to you finding love and peace within the beautiful earthly vessel of your very own precious body,

Tatiana "Phoenix" Sakurai

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Tatiana "Phoenix" Sakurai is a lightworker, teacher, and author of Lightworker Training: A Practical Guide to Healing with Energy + Consciousness. She facilitates sessions, classes, and circles for students, clients, and community members through the projects of Phoenix Lightwork, Lightworker Training, and Cosmic Fire.

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