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Virgo New Moon Report 2021

Writer's picture: Cosmic FireCosmic Fire

It's a new moon in Virgo and Phoenix and Kairos have created an hour worth of content for our supporting listeners which includes an Astrology Forecast of the month, a Psychic Weather Report, and bonus movement practice.

Did you know that buying our New Moon Reports is a great way to support Cosmic Fire and get premium content?

This report covers the lunar cycle that starts with the Virgo New Moon on the 6th of September, culminates with a Full Moon in Pisces on the 20th followed by the Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd, continues with Mercury stationing retrograde on the 26th, and ends with Pluto stationing direct on the Libra New Moon of October 6th.

The Virgo New Moon Report kicks off with impressions of the themes of the current lunar cycle, then goes into a Psychic Weather Report, an Astrology Forecast, and ends with a guided process for opening and clearing the major chakral centers of the energy body with some simple and gentle exercises.

You can get instant access to the report in our shop at: or click the shop page on the menu above.

By the way, for a recurring donation of 20 bucks a month, you can get access to our library that has all of our content: classes, new moon reports, and our audio collection, including the downloads of the month. You can learn more by visiting our donate page at:

Thanks for supporting Cosmic Fire and many blessings for a month of balance and healing!

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